Thursday, April 30, 2020

Romeo And Juliet Essays (773 words) - Characters In Romeo And Juliet

Romeo And Juliet Contributions of minor characters to the plot, theme and character development. Minor characters play large roles in contributing to many aspects of plays, movies and stories. Minor characters help bring out attributes of a character that only they can do. Friar Laurence is one of the minor characters who contributes, and furthers the plot by marrying Romeo and Juliet in Act II, Scene VI. Tybalt is another minor character who contributes to the theme of hatred. The Nurse reveals Juliet's character. The minor characters, such as the nurse, Friar Laurence, and Tybalt contribute to the plot, theme of hatred and character elements of the play. Friar Laurence contributes to the plot by marrying Romeo and Juliet. Friar also develops a plan to stop Paris from marrying Juliet, by giving Juliet a potion, however, the plan ultimately leads to tragedy. Friar Laurence decides he is going to marry the couple For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone/ Till holy church incorporate two in one. ( Thus showing how much Friar Laurence cared for Romeo, willing to go behind the parents of both Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence was a father figure to Romeo, he was always looking out for Romeo and only wanting the best for him. This is seen when Friar Laurence says to Romeo, These violent delights have violent ends, ( warning Romeo to take it easy with Juliet. Friar Laurence develops a plan for Juliet to refrain from marrying Paris. He decides to make a potion that will put Juliet in a deep sleep for forty-two hours making it seem as if she is dead. Then another Friar will go to Mantua and inform Romeo. Friar Laurence is one of the minor characters who contributes to the plot. Tybalt is one of the minor characters who contributes to the theme of hatred. Tybalt shows he would love to kill a Montague where he says to Benvolio Turn thee Benvolio, look upon thy death. (III.i.64) In every appearance in the play he is looking for a fight with a Montague, at the party This, by his voice, should be a Montague./ Fetch me my rapier, boy. ? (I.v.53-54) and after he challenges Romeo to a sword fight. Tybalt's fight with Romeo leads to the separation of Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt shows his true feelings for Romeo when he tells Romeo, Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford/ No better term than this---thou art a villain. (III.i.59-60) This states that Tybalt has no better way to describe Romeo then, he is a villain. Tybalt is the opposite of Romeo. All of his actions stem from his hatred; where as all of Romeo's actions come from love. Tybalt has a lot of family pride, causing him never to back down from a fight. He tries to show that Capulets are the ones who rule the lan d. If anyone disagrees with that, they will be challenged to a duo. Thus showing us how Tybalt contributes to the theme of hatred. The final minor character, the Nurse, reveals Juliet's character. She loves to play games with Juliet. For example, in act II, scene V, Juliet wanted to know what Romeo had told the Nurse, but the Nurse continued to change topics, teasing Juliet. She also cares a lot for Juliet, even more then her mother. She knows exactly when Juliet was born, unlike Lady Capulet. Nurse brings out who Juliet is interested in by getting her to say ?What is yond gentleman? (I.v.127) The Nurse tells how Juliet feels when she finds out her love has been banished. O, she says nothing , sir, but weeps and weeps; And now falls on her bed; and then starts up, And Tybalt calls, and then on Romeo cries, And then falls down again. This indicates that Juliet could not bear with Romeo being banished from Verona. The Nurse may only be a minor character, however she plays a large part in bringing Juliet's character to life. The minor characters, such as the Nurse, Friar Laurence, and Tybalt contribute to the plot, theme of hatred and character elements of the play. Friar Laurence contributes to the plot by marrying Romeo and Juliet. The Friar also give the potion to

Monday, April 13, 2020

The UC Prompt - A Students Guide

The UC Prompt - A Student's GuideThe UC Prompt sample essay is an excellent guide for students to use. By following the prompts, you can expect to understand how a high school teacher would structure the tasks at the end of each essay. You can also expect the essays to be very readable and enjoyable. The most important task that you should accomplish is that you develop a basic level of understanding as to how the format of the essay will be used and by what means.With the UC Prompt, you will be given the option to work from any chapter of the text or from the menu. Within the menu, you will find the chapter headings which will include: Introductory, Practice, Reading, Discussion, and Conclusion. All of these chapters will have prompts which will help you to structure your essay. Each prompt is the same. However, they may be in either numbered or unnumbered form.The items that appear on the UC Prompt sample essay are highlighted below. When you start at the beginning of the document, you will find a discussion and an introduction. These are the first five sentences that you will see. Each chapter then has two or three main sections, and after that the rest of the document follows. Within these main sections, you will find that there is a section for introduction and the preamble.You will find the UC Prompt sample essay to be a very pleasant read. The practice prompts are a great way to practice for the actual writing. As with any writing project, writing will only ever improve as you become more comfortable. You should be able to write easily and effectively. This will happen as you practice, allowing you to move up from a brief study of the writing guidelines.With the UC Prompt, you will learn about the functions of the chapter headings. If you are taking the assignment, you may want to begin the document with a chapter heading, to introduce the topics and give the ideas. The order of the chapter headings will be determined by the order in which you begin writ ing the document. If you do not want to begin at the beginning, you will want to make sure that the first paragraph of each chapter is considered the first paragraph. After that, you will want to focus on the current chapter and continue with the main body of the document.Some students like to find the prompts while they are online or in the library. However, there are times when you will find that the study guides cannot be found in a bookstore. Many of the study guides that are available online can be printed off. This can help when you have quite a few online notebooks and you are interested in completing several on the same topic. It can also make it easier to organize a paper when you have been working on a prompt for a long time.The UC Prompt sample essay is very useful for students. It is a way to get your ideas down and to learn how to structure your essay. The very first prompt should be easy for you to understand and look over. Once you understand the prompts, you will fin d that your writing is very simple to read and will be a pleasure to write. The UC Prompt makes it easy to get started and will provide you with all the information you need to make your writing interesting and enjoyable.