Monday, September 30, 2019

Gender Inequality Essay

In the 21st century women are more educated and powerful than they have ever been. They are integrated into every work sector, from labour intensive jobs, middle class jobs up to the highest professional engineering, medical, legal and political positions. However, there still remain high gender inequalities within the workplace, which will be covered in this report through several articles and studies in respects to top management positions and payments imbalance. As gender inequality is not a specific event rather a continuously forming process from the beginning of the humanity until present day, and beyond that. To understand the current state of affairs we have to firstly talk about the processes which have occurred during the past. Historic context: Several studies talk about the division of labour between men and women already in the prehistory. All the evidence shows that from the very beginning, women had the simpler and easier jobs, which was manifested in fruits, eggs and berry gathering, while men had the more dangerous and intensive duties such as hunting and fishing. The subordinate role of women had already appeared in that time. According to anthropologists, the nomadic lifestyle continues as hordes’ communities, women had the role of carrying the pickings, while men were waiting for any attacks from outside the community. As women were not able to protect themselves while carrying the foods, men became the protectors of the community. Although there were some warrior women, who were called â€Å"amazons†, they still are physically weaker. As race preservation is a function of women, when they became pregnant they were not able to support both the community and their duties together, within the hordes eyes, they were considered of no significant importance and the infants and young children worsened this situation. They had to be supported (fed, protected) which slowed down the community, but in the same time until a certain age the horde had no important role for them. However the prehistoric humans had no knowledge about the biology of insemination, therefore they considered the pregnancy as a magical wonder. This is evidenced by the first artworks, for example the female statues which they highlighted the body parts referring to fertility, of which the best known is the Venus of Willendorf. Nevertheless after time they have realised that, the participation of men is also necessary to fertilization and women lost the surrounding admiration, therefore they became even more subordinated. Later in history, several communities with the emergence of the ancient slavery society and monogamy had become widespread. All the men could have only one wife yet posses several bond slaves. Women could have sexual relationship, only with their husbands. If they breached this rule it had serious consequences. Men regarded not only their slave women as their property, but also the female members of the family, over whom men controlled absolute power. In the early feudalism era, the Church had said women cannot be equal to men, as God created Adam first from his own image and only after this created Eve from the ‘rest of the materials’. Women have been created for men, and not inversely. Further more women have to consider their husbands as God. In the middle Ages children had been socially educated to respect their fathers more than their mothers. The male children, from a certain age received adult rights, to treat their mothers and sisters in the same manner as their fathers. They thought women had to been given constraints and rules, as Eve was who anathematized the humanity, so women had to be chastised for it. Men had to penalize women as a duty, even if it was associated with pain. The only rule which was accepted was that the woman could not die. In the 17th century in America, woman took taking care of their families an important responsibility. Women and men were working together on their agricultural lands. While they catered their families, they also worked on markets, where they could sell the remaining crops or some weaved clothes, thus they earned some respect. Women and men have shared not only the jobs, but also the wages. In the 18th century, as the economy has shifted from the agriculture to the industrial economy the world of home and work had got totally separated. Women were forced back to their homes and lost all their social respect. With the occurrence of industrialization, the role of women focused on the duties around the house, or they became industrial workers, for much smaller salary though, as women were treated as inferiority. The most terrible situation was in the lead industry. They have not used protective equipment; therefore lead poisoning was a very frequent workers disease. Women were afflicted by death, poisoning, paralysis; their children were still-born many times. At the beginning of the 19th century women were ignominiously exploited. Their wages were not enough even for their basic needs. A survey in 1889-93 shows that in France a workwoman received half of that wage, what a workman received for the same work hours. In 1918 women’s salary is half of the men’s in America. The women’s wages rose between 1911 and 1945, although they were less than men’s wages. At the beginning of capitalism, new work opportunities appeared. Women occupied the agriculture, the industry, the trading, the banks, the insurance companies, the offices and the freelance positions. This process accelerated the unemployment during the 1st and 2nd world war, worldwide. Emancipation in the UK: The sequences of events are roughly the same in many western countries. In some enlightened states (e. g. New-Zealand, Australia, Finland and Norway) women received franchises before the 1st world war. In other countries, struggles have started, but nowhere were as dramatic as in England. In 1903 Emmeline Pankhurst got to the edge of the movement fighting for women’s right to vote. These suffrages interrupted political meetings, chained themselves to fences and were sent to prison as they were not willing to pay any financial penalty. When the 1st world war broke out, most of the suffrages suspended the fights, and the women who filled in the jobs (instead of the fighting men) coped successfully. This allowed women voting rights from the government, by destroying the stigma surrounding women’s inequality instead of facing the movement again. After the war the US and several European countries undertook similar reforms. Another movement inspired from the UK was created called â€Å"Woman’s Lib for life† created in the US back in 1960s which spread through Europe. This ideology was called â€Å"feminism†. Feminism talks about gender equality, but also about sexual abuse, rape and abortion. Feminists succeeded to reach equal opportunities in political, legal, demographical, educational and employment rights. Nevertheless the practical applications of the laws often meet difficulties, even if their enforcements create special executive and examiner bodies. In many parts of the world, women’s most elementary rights are still missing, in many societies they cannot even choose their spouse. In present days, in the most enlightened countries such as the UK, the distance between females and males in employment decreased significantly, but still women face forms of discrimination. Present: In our days, more and more women take part in higher education. After graduation they try to find a job, build their career what they have to interrupt as their biological clocks are ticking and near their career plans they don’t want to give up building a family. During their pregnancy normally they become less capable to cater their work in full-time. After their pregnancy they have the right to take a maternity leave with the thought of they can return to their job without any discrimination. However, this is not so simple. In the 21st century as in most of the tolerant countries, as in the UK the unequal and inequitable treatment of employees on the basis of gender i. e. sex discrimination in workplace is illegal. If it can be proved by the employee, the employer could probably face a serious penalty. Discrimination can be classified in two ways. One of them is based on suffered disadvantage e. g. nequal payment, discrimination because of pregnancy or maternity leave, inequality in the scale of employment and different treatment and progress opportunities within workplace. Direct and indirect discrimination: The other classification group divides discrimination according to insulted party as an individual (direct), or a specific target group (indirect). Direct discrimination is â€Å"where an employee or prospective employee is less favourably treated because of their race, sex, marital status (including civil partnerships), religion, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, disability, pregnancy or maternity† (CompactLaw, 1996-2013). As it revealed from the most recent article from the Guardian about sexual discrimination â€Å"women are suffering escalating levels of illegal discrimination at work when they get pregnant, and are often made redundant while they are on maternity leave, according to a new poll. The figures show one in seven of the women surveyed had lost their job while on maternity leave; 40% said their jobs had changed by the time they returned, with half reporting a cut in hours or demotion. More than a tenth had been replaced in their jobs by the person who had covered their maternity leave† (Tracey McVeigh, 2013). Indirect discrimination is often less obvious. Sometimes, a policy, rule or practice seems fair because it applies to everyone equally, but a closer look shows that some people are being treated unfairly. This is because some people or groups of people are unable or less able to comply with the rule or are disadvantaged because of it. If this policy or practice is ‘not r easonable’, it may be indirect discrimination† (Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland 2007) One of the most famous indirect cases associated with one of the largest companies in the US being the Wal-Mart Stores. Wal-Mart had a case which started in 2000, when Betty Dukes, a Wal-Mart worker from California, claimed sex discrimination because of gender discrimination in pay and promotion policies and practices. During the negotiations almost 2000 women joined Betty, representing about 1. 5M women. On 20th of June, 2011, the Supreme Court finally closed the negotiations in Wal-Mart’s favour, as the unequal treatment was not clearly proved. On the other side employers and managers have to be very guarded and deliberate to avoid discrimination and promote equality. There are several details which have to be kept in the front view of management.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The More Important Consequence Of The Printing Press

The most important consequence of the printing press was the spread of know welled. Knowledge is one of the greatest aspects of power. Before Gutenberg invent ion of the printing press, other things had to be developed first. Language, writing hirer glyphs, the alphabet and then printing. Scribes would write a book by hand from the dicta action of of a scholar. Most citizens were uneducated while few actually had an education. Handwritten books were more expensive and rare so only the rich could own them. But eve en the rich were not smart enough to read books.The methods of book making were much qua kicker with the printing press and made the books cheaper and it could make more books in less time. Document one shows a group of men making a book. With uneducated men I abort was cheaper which made the price of the book decrease a lot. Because it took less time to make books, many could be produced. Without the printing press it would take year S to complete only one book. Now with th e printing press and books spreading throughout countries people are becoming more aware of what is going on around them.People are also b economy knowledgeable. In 1 500 the printing press spread to lower regions were more people lived (DOC. 2). This reflects on the Church. The Bible was the first book to be mass produced. Two hundred copies of the twofold Gutenberg Bible were printed. People could d buy the Bible and they didn't go to church anymore.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

DOCUMENTARY CINEMA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DOCUMENTARY CINEMA - Essay Example This essay will delve into various aspects of the film Dark Days by way of relating them to the broader social, cultural and political contexts. Firstly, homelessness in the United States can be traced back a long way. The direct and circumstancial evidence for this is available in literary and performing arts of the last one and half centuries. Prominent among the artists who dealt with this subject are Walt Whitman, Jack London, Charlie Chaplin, Woody Guthrie, John Dos Passos, Bill Mauldin, Jack Kerouac and John Steinbeck. In the early twentieth century slang, homeless people were casually referred to as hoboes, which is a term of denigration. These so-called hoboes had a reputation for being barbaric, wild, lazy and unscrupulous. The first detailed representation of these people living on the fringes of society started appearing after the end of the Civil War. We further learn that â€Å"following the Civil War, a legion of men traveled the country with no visible means of support. Some earned the sobriquet "hobo," which they embraced it as a nickname for a migrant laborer, that is, a "hoe boy." Whatever the origin, sociologists of the 1920s used the phrase "hobohemia" to describe a subaltern lifestyle embraced by white working-class males. When congregating in places such as Chicagos "main stem," they forged a swaggering counterculture that defied domesticity. They embraced the labor radicalism of the Wobblies, even while they were parodied by vaudeville and motion picture comics.† (Lookingbill, 2005, p.314) During these early days, homelessness in the United States was largely an issue of social class and was caused by the huge disparities in wealth distribution between the top ten percent of the population and the rest. But in the last century, the issue has grown to encompass factors of racial discrimination, drug abuse and homosexuality. Of the half a

Friday, September 27, 2019

Proceses in Organinzations (Project Managers) Essay - 2

Proceses in Organinzations (Project Managers) - Essay Example There are some key characteristics of the aforesaid situation. The appearance of intermediate link between stakeholders and project developers, is viewed by IT and business unit managers as unnecessary encumbrance for the already overtaxed budget. In the past, IT projects have not been completed within budget or on time. IT and business unit managers don’t realize the project management in its integrity; moreover they have only seen its complexity. Thus they can’t understand the role and the value project manager brings in the organization. Thus becomes clear how far the lack of understanding and support among those who has to follow the project manager’s envision, deteriorates all the business process’ characteristics and defines the unfavorable media, which aspect presents a big challenge for the project manager to cope with. ‘Traditionally, the role of project manager is someone who consciously negotiates with project stakeholders, keeps the peace among team members, and tries to keep calm while all around them is chaos; while budgets and Gant charts are not the main parts of the role.†(S.J.Mantel at al., Project management in practice, p.298, 2001) At first the project manager has to struggle to get every body understand his role and the value he brings in the organization, i.e. to persuade the other team members in his envision. Proceeding from Davenport’s definition for the business process as †a structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how work is done within an organization, in contrast to a product focus’s emphasis on what. A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and space, with a beginning and an end, and clearly defined inputs and o utputs: a structure for action. ...

Thursday, September 26, 2019

UK law property management practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

UK law property management practice - Essay Example Consideration of alternative market leases, general and specific situational advantages and disadvantages analysis of such alternative forms of leases in the market A lease in UK law pertains to the granting of exclusivity in land possession for a term that is well-defined and for a term that is shorter than that for which the grantor of the lease has himself or herself has legal land possession. As the definition implies, there are three aspects to the lease. The first has to do with the exclusivity of the possession. The second has to do with the fixed nature of the lease in terms of time. The third is that the term of the lease has to be shorter than the lawful time to which the grantor of the lease has possession of the land (In Brief 2013). Taking a step back, the Crown in theory has ownership of all land in the UK, and that other persons usually hold either a lease on the land, or else has a freehold relationship with the land, which is the strongest form of land ownership unde r UK law, outside of the Crown’s absolute ownership of all land (In Brief 2013b). ... he leaseholder in this sense becomes a tenant too in the definition of the law, meaning that within the terms of a legally binding lease agreement, the tenant is the recognized land owner under the law. In this sense, as owner of the land, he is able to legally make use of the land as other owners of the land do, with the caveat that those uses for which the land is made use of by the owner is within the confines of the requirements set forth by statutes. On the other hand, rights extend only so far as the owner of the lease has the right to occupy the land absolutely, until the leaseholder does not fulfill the contractual obligations, such as in instances when the leaseholder fails to make good on rent payments. Outside of this, the grantor of the lease is unable to end the lease before the date of expiration or the end of the period of tenancy, except with the serving of a notice strictly ruled by fixed and specified conditions. On the other hand, the institutional lease is said to be the cornerstone of commercial property law and the market for such leases in the UK. This is characterized by long terms, usually a quarter of a century, and is, as specified above, FRI type leases, meaning that they are full repairing as well as full insuring. Due to the integrity and predictability of such leases, with the rent reviews being done predictably too, every five years for the lease duration, these have become investible from the point of view of institutions such as pension firms as discussed above. Here the returns are predictable and guaranteed to a certain extent, as long as the tenants make good on their rent payments and their other related contractual obligations to the land and property (Mleyshon n.d.). That the institutional lease has become the foundation of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American Money Spending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Money Spending - Essay Example Although there are other ethnic groups as well, they are in the minority and due to time constraints will not be included in this survey. Before the survey it was expected to find that whites earn more than the other groups and in relation should spend more. During the survey it was found that people are reluctant to give out information on their earnings and credit standing, and only after making participants comfortable that they will stay anonymous did some of them divulge the information. From 29 persons asked to complete the survey only 11 complied. From the participants only 4 used credit cards and their average outstanding amount on these cards were less than $2000.00. If this survey would have been representative of the whole American population at large with a much larger sampling rate, it would have refuted the statement that the average American has outstanding credit in the region of $4000. The above table was taken from an article by Barbara Hagenbaugh, in the USA today magazine on consumer debt. In another article Liz Weston also argue against this figures as she stated that most Americans do not even own a credit card and of those that do, most own less than $1000. The survey that was developed contained more information than what was explained in the above summary. The survey may have been over developed, and that may be the reason why so many persons did not want to complete the form. If the form were simpler, containing fewer questions, more people may have participated. In addition if tick boxes and not yes or no answers were required, person could have completed forms in less time, making it more acceptable. The questions may have been to direct and it could be possible to use a more subtle method of enquiring into personal information. Then again it would have created confusion with participants, resulting in an increase in time to complete form, which in turn would reduce the amount of persons willing to take part. What I learned from the Survey Firstly there is much more to a survey than just writing a few questions and going out and get people to participate. The survey composition and layout is very important, as this will influence people to take time to fill in the form. Next the target group must be identified before doing the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Solicitors and Barristers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Solicitors and Barristers - Essay Example eyes, ears, hands or legs - and they either work in unison or complement each other in such a way that the result or consequence is seen as a perfect acceptance by a single receptor. This perfect, clock-like arrangement of the human organ pairs prove the point that in order to achieve greater, faster, easier and more accurate results, sometimes it becomes necessary to break up functions or decentralize so that there is greater efficiency in performance. Law, a study and practice followed by both, solicitors and barristers, has a great historical origin. (Symmetry in homes)1. The legal code began to take shape and take roots as early as the 8th century BC when the Greeks first became a world power and a with a firm, military discipline, laid the foundations of a system of law which was initially draconian. However, it was superseded by a more methodical and humane system by Solon. Finding themselves in confusion due to violent revolt by the people, the oligarchy called upon Solon, known for his wisdom and uprightness, to establish a rule of law. Following a course of a difficult, bloody period of wars and dissension, Solon drafted an all-encompassing legal code which found favor with the oligarchy. (A History of Ancient Greece)2 The Romans were responsible for improving upon the Spartan laws and many of our modern legal concepts were founded by them. They were the first to acknowledge that the citizenry had certain rights and actively pursued means to voice these rights to their people. Civil laws, contract laws, property and personal rights, use of evidence in a court of law, use of a legal will, are some of the legal concepts brought into being by the Romans. (Legal Concepts Based on the Ancient Romans)3. Lawyers Lawyers are called by many names - notably advocates, attorneys, barristers, counselors, solicitors, notaries. A lawyer or attorney at law is an individual licensed by the state to advise clients in legal matters and represent them in courts of law and other legal agencies. Most countries today require professional law advisors in their juridical systems. Different countries have different systems and practices based on which the lawyers are classified. For instance, lawyers are invariably referred to as attorneys or counselors in the USA. In England, the system is more elaborately laid out where the functions for barristers and solicitors are specified. Elsewhere too, the functions are divided and laid out in such manner as is beneficial for speedier and fairer dispensation of justice. Many countries also follow the law system where a person who is not a qualified lawyer could be empanelled as a member of the jury on the strength of his or her social and professional standing. In countries like India, persons with a good history of social service, irrespective of his educational qualificatio ns, are designated as "special magistrates" and allowed to settle certain local disputes. Of course, these are only so at the lower levels where it would be otherwise very difficult to cope with pending cases. (Lawyers, Nature of the work)4. Coming back to the United States, almost anyone can be an attorney. And in this situation, an attorney is similar to an agent, a person who has been formally empowered by someone else to act on behalf of the principal. Lawyers are "attorneys at

Monday, September 23, 2019

Effective Tools and Tips for Getting the Most from Your Work Relations Assignment

Effective Tools and Tips for Getting the Most from Your Work Relationships by Mathew Gilbert - Assignment Example Mathew Gilbert has written extensively on business, spirituality, and psychology topics. He has also served as an editorial director at the renowned Institute of Noetic Sciences. Apart from authoring Communication Miracles at Work, Gilbert is also the author of The Workplace Revolution. This book provides its readers with the ability to identify some of the obstacles to effective communication in the workplace. This book also outlines some of the ways of breaking bad communication habits and how employees can communicate effectively at their workplace to achieve harmony in the workplace. The major topics in this book include; the role that stress plays in ineffective communication, influencing corporate culture on the ability of employees to get along with one another, gender issues, and effective communication skills for navigating a variability of real-world situations (Gilbert 34). The author, Gilbert also offers practical advice to its readers that can be applied to any job situation. In essence, this book practically demonstrates that improving communication within an organization is the key to having and enjoying a better day-to-day work experience. The author starts off by first of all talking about the work itself and how it has gone through changes over the years. In his opinion, this author claims that most companies were initially straitlaced, with lots of earnest men dressed in starched white shirts and conservative ties undertaking narrow but important roles with steadfast commitment (Gilbert 9). There existed specific rules, clear chains of commands and a general drone of commerce. This defined the times when companies like IBM, Ford and General Electric ruled the Western World. Unfortunately, this is no more since more women are in the workforce, there is more autonomy for employees, there are more teamwork and partnering, there is flextime and job shares, and the ever-growing multicultural diversity. As a matter of fact, the modern day workplace bears little resemblance to the one in which our fathers made a life commitment to work in (Gilbert 10).  Ã‚  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mythology Greek Drama Agamemnon Sophocles' Oedipus Essay

Mythology Greek Drama Agamemnon Sophocles' Oedipus - Essay Example From then on, he has assumed the throne and has led the kingdom successfully until the plagues came. Since there was no way to decipher what causes the indignation of the gods, the Thebeans along with the king's consent sought the help of the prophet Tiresias. Though a little hesitant, the sage boldly revealed the truth that it was King Oedipus's crime that brought the curse on the land of Thebes. His ego is hurt when Tiresias told him that he is the cause of all the ill events in the kingdom by killing Laius and marrying Jocasta who happen to be his parents. This humiliation leads to anger, not only towards Tiresias but also to Creon, his uncle turned brother-in-law. He suspects that Tiresias was in connivance with Creon in putting an end to his reign as king of Thebes. Publicly he denies the crime and admits his innocence. His anger leads to his suspicion that the two men are in to overthrow his throne. However, his abilities and intelligence did not spare him from the destiny that the gods have fated on him. At birth, his parents, King Laius and Queen Jocasta were told that their son would kill his father and marry his own mother. Even if he was sent away, the prophecy did not escape him. The reason why he left his foster parents is to escape his tragic destiny because it was revealed to him also. But it is something that only the gods can control. It is beyond human intervention and power. His hubris or excessive pride brings him to his own destruction for upon realizing that he has actually killed his own father at the crossing of the three roads and has married his own mother, he blinded his own eyes and decides to be banished from the kingdom of Thebes. ... sive pride brings him to his own destruction for upon realizing that he has actually killed his own father at the crossing of the three roads and has married his own mother, he blinded his own eyes and decides to be banished from the kingdom of Thebes. He stood by his own words that the culprit must be severely punished. However, throughout his life even when he was at Colonus, he firmly opines that all that happened to his life and his loved ones were not his own doing but that of the gods who controlled his destiny. He claims that he was not entirely responsible for all that happened to him and the kingdom of Thebes but that he was only a victim of fate. Prophetic, blind yet knowledgeable Tiresias The man who outlived the two kings is not a political leader but a sage and a seer. He is often consulted when the people and the king want to find explanation and solution to certain phenomena which are beyond human comprehension. Greek mythology tells us that Tiresias lost his eyesight when Hera struck him for he sided with Zeus. Since Zeus cannot undo what Hera did, he chose to bless Tiresias with the gift of knowledge of future events, thus he became a prophet. In this trilogy, he paradoxically is physically blind, but his vision goes beyond the material into the spiritual realms. In Oedipus the King, he humbly accepts Oedipus' insults and accusations but he remains true to his prophecy even if the truth hurt so much and even if it was the king he was addressing. He is not afraid of Oedipus when he reveals to him that Oedipus is the cause of the plagues in Thebes. In reality, he is often proven right in the end. His physical blindness may be symbolic of his impartial and objective revelation of the truth. He sees beyond what human eyes can perceive: the will and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fast Food Essay Example for Free

Fast Food Essay Many people nowadays depend on fast food restaurants in their daily life. Most of them particularly young people prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries and pizza. There are many this restaurants are popular. The main ones are that the fast food is easy to get, cheaper, tastes delicious, and it is always ready. The main reason why fast food is so popular is because it is easy to get. Many people work long hours, so they do not have time to prepare their own food. It is easier and more convenient to stop and get something fast to eat, like a hamburger or a pizza. Also, in this times many women work and because of that they have less time to prepare family meals. It is easier for them to just order some fast food. Another reason for the popularity of fast food is that it tastes delicious. Fast food gives the children the kind of food they really love, such as nuggets, pizza, donuts, fries and hot dogs. Everyone loves fast food not only because it is always ready also because it tastes delicious. Nowadays fast food is also very popular because of advertisement. All forms of media advertise about fast food, such as the internet, television and billboards in the street. By these advertisements they know where every restaurant of fast food is located. The final reason why people also love fast food is because there are so many of them, next to their work place, their homes or on the side of the road. That is an important point to many people, because they do not want to waste time searching for a restaurant to eat, they want something near, fast and cheap. People eat fast food for many reasons, both bad and good. Most of the people consume it because it is easy to get, it is delicious and because they are everywhere. Everyone in some point of their life has eaten these food, because of the lack of time, or because you do not feel like cooking. Eating this type of food is not bad as long as you do not overdo it. If you combine it with a nutritious food everything is fine.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Different lan Technologies

Different lan Technologies 1. AIM To learn about different lan technologies and to design a network based on these lan technologies and to simulate these networks by a simulation tool know as opnet and by putting different loads on these networks and to study the performance of these networks. 2. Overview   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Local area networks (LAN) are a group of devices which communicate with each other in a small geographical area like within a room or within a building. There are different topologies in LAN which are designed according to usage, cost, amount of traffic flow. The different topologies are star topology, bus topology (Ethernet), ring topology, FDDI. The main aim of this project is to design network and compare different lan topologies and to simulate these networks by putting different network loads and to analyse how these networks behave to the different traffic loads and by running the simulation for a long time. Analyse the results and then to decide which topology is the best. This project has been suggested by Dr Diane Gan. This project meets the guidelines of the Masters project and the requirements of the programme that i am studying and as i will be able to design an network and simulate it using opnet and to vary the traffic load and to analyse the result of the simulation and to decide which network topology is the best and efficient. After completion of the project i would be in a situation to tell about different parameters of the network like delays, packet inter arrival time, link utilisation, packet loss. 3. Objectives Literature review of different LAN topologies To design different LAN topologies Simulate different LAN topologies by varying the traffic loads say about 20%, 40%,70%,80% Analyse the quality of service (QOS) when an particular load is applied. To compare and analyse the results based on these simulations To decide which topology would be the best, looking at the results of the simulations and to suggest which topology would be better. How the objectives will be achieved Research on different networking books and different publications like IEEE, ACM etc. To learn to use opnet. Using opnet to design different LAN networks. To simulate these networks with different traffic loads like database traffic, ftp traffic, email traffic, web surfing, voip, video streaming, printing. To collect and put the result of these simulations on spreadsheet and to analyze the results. To check the results like loads at servers, packets loss, packets delivery time, utilization of the links. To plot the results on graph To decide which network topology is the best based on the results. 4. Resources To complete this project i would require Opnet Modeler A computer with high configuration so that i could store the network models and the simulations. 6. Initial References Computer networks- Andrew S. Tanenbaum Pearson education international, 2003 Network simulations with OPNET by Xinjie Chang, Winter Simulation Conference, Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulationa bridge to the future, Phoenix, Arizona, United States 1999

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Dan Connelly Mr. Fisher English 10 March 8 2014 JSOC And Modern Special Forces Joint Special Operations Command is a group of elite forces who work alone and side by side with other branches of the military and other countries despite the fact they don't normally work with them. These men are responsible for tracking and killing Osama Bin Laden and other big name terrorist. JSOC consists of Delta force, DEVGRU, and other secretive civilian and military groups. J-Soc is an elite military unit that operates in the most intense battles the world can throw at them. They are the spartans of the modern world and they're known in the military as â€Å"the tip of the spear†. The Creation of J-SOC Joint Special Operations Command was created in 1980 as a member of US. SOCOM ( US. Special Operations Command). Their initial mission and role in SOCOM was to train and assess elite soldiers in Special Operations Programs in the US, to be able to work side by side seamlessly with the worlds other elite Special Operators and law enforcement. For examples, Navy SEALS and Israeli IDF Forces, Green Berets and British SAS, and even with civilian counterparts like the CIA and SEALS or FBI HRT teams and Air force Pararescue. JSOC also took on the role of training Special Mission Units in a numerous amount of schools and training courses.( Smith) The military had ussocom who had units like navy seals and army rangers but the military needed an elite group of people who could perform anything and everything the Pres/ secdef could throw at them. At first, their mission was to train socoms elite, but in 1981 the president decided that JSOCs role in the military needed to be changed. JSOC had done such a good job training socom that they ... ...isted of armed combat and horsemanship. These men fought both for Thebes, but also for his partner. These relationships helped them fight even the toughest competitors.(Crompton). Shaolin Monks were some of the fierce warriors to walk this earth. The Shaolin Monastery dates back nearly 1,500 years, and its tradition of martial arts can be traced back to defence against attacks in the year 610. These men were trained to never to use force when not needed because they wanted peace and were almost pacifist. The Shaolin Monks trained themselves over the centuries and battled everyone from thieves,emperors and Japanese pirates. They were always using their unique combat style Shaolin Kung Fu. This style was so unique many opposing forces did not know how to react to the attacks. This is what gave them the edge in battles against any of their enemies. ( Larmer).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Poverty and Voting in America Essay -- American United States Politics

Review of the Literature: For my topic of research, the dynamics of poverty and voting in America, I used a vast number of sources in an attempt to produce the most accurate and broad discussion possible. The sources I believe to be the most reliable were: 1) the scholarly works (Friedman; Raskin), which were purely scientific and did not include political biases, but rather examined the facts from as neutral a point of view as possible; 2) the government reports (DeNavas-Walt; Dept. of Commerce; Dept. of Labor, McNeil), which also appeared to be politically neutral and created in a scientific fashion. These two types of sources mainly provided statistics on voting and poverty numbers through charts and graphs. The next set of sources came from less reliable media (â€Å"Election†; Loughlin; Wetherell), but still were purely observational and not opinionated. They came from online news sites, so they cannot be considered as academic as the first set, but the type of articles they are leaves little for the author’s own opinion. They also weren’t intentionally targeting a specific political party or ideology. The following set of sources hint of bias in the way they present their information, but the information itself seems scientific (Cervantes; Drum; Piven). These sources integrate some liberal opinions of the information into the material; however, they give seemingly accurate facts. â€Å"America,† James, and Wicker make up the next group of sources, which aren’t necessarily biased, but are more opinionated than factual. Facts are provided, but the authors’ ideas play a large part in these works. They are fairly neutral politically, however, and look at government more as a whole; both political parties are criticize... ...rg. 2005. Center for Community Change. 1 March 2006 . 2004. Project Vote. 1 March 2006 . Raskin, Jamin B. â€Å"Race, Poverty and the ‘Wealth Primary.’† Poverty & Race. 6.2 (1997): 1-5. Shipler, David K. The Working Poor: Invisible in America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. Sood, Suemedha. â€Å"You don’t need a home to vote.† 26 August 2004. Independent Media Institute. 1 March 2006 . Wetherell, Derrick. â€Å"The Bush 100: Center Releases Report on Bush’s Top Appointees.† 14 January 2002. The Center for Public Integrity. 12 February 2006 . Wicker, Tom. â€Å"Delivering the Vote.† New York Times. 15 August 1971, E15 (1 page).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care Essay

1. Knowing how to recognise signs of abuse 1.1. Define the different types of abuse There are many different types of abuse that are usually classifed in 5 main headings. These include: Physical Physical abuse is the act of a person making contact with someone to intentionally caus pain, harm or injury Sexual Sexual abuse is forcing sexual contact or bhaviour, towards a person who doesnt give consent. In some cases people are deemed unable to consent due to age or mental health. Psychological Psychological abuse is where a person is subjected to mentally stressing situations whic causes motional distress. Abusive realationships are a prime example of psychological abuse where there is an imbalance of power and the abuser has control. Finanical Finanical abuse is where an indvidual tries to take control or gain access to anothers finanances illegally and without the persons consent. Institutional Institutional abuse is the mistreatment of a person within a care environment. Usually due to lack of staff training and unacceptable standards of service. Self – neglect Self – neglect is where a person does not care for their basic needs, such as their basic hygine. People who self – neglect regularlly put themselves at risk of harm or place themselves in dangerous situations. Neglect by others Neglect is where a person responsible for the care needs of another fails to meet their needs. This is usually because they do not relise the importance of giving the care that is needed or they choose not to. 1.2. Identify the signs and symptoms associated with each type of abuse. Physical The potential signs for physical abuse can include: Fractures and dislocation multiple bruising in well-protected areas of the body scratches or cut pressure ulcers, sores or rashes black eyes or bruising to ears welt marks scalds or cigarette burns a history of falls, injuries or a history of accidental overdose unable to provide an explanation consistant to their injuries clinical intervention without any clear benefit to the person deteriouration of health without an obvious cause loss of weight inappropriate, inadequate or soiled clothing withdrawal or mood changes carer’s resistance to allow people to visit reluctanc to be left alone with the alleged abuser Sexual The physical signs of sexual abuse are bruises, scratched, burns or bite marks to the body scratches, abrasions or persistent infections in the genital regions pregnancy recurrant genital or urinary infections blood or marks on underwear abdominal pains with no diagnosabl cause As well as the physical signs their can also be behavioural signs which act as an indicator of sexual abuse, these can include: provocative sexual behaviour or promiscuity prostitution sexual abuse of others self-injury or self-distructive behaviour such as alcohol and drug abuse or repeated suicide attempts. behaviour that invites further exploitation disappearing from a home environment aggression, anxiety or fearfulness reluctance to be left alone with the alleged abuser frequent masterbation refusal to undress for activities such as swimming or bathing Psychological The potential indicators for psychological abuse can include: refusal to be left alone with the alleged abuser carer seems to ignore the person’s needs and presence reports from neighbours of shouting, screaming and swearing Fearful of raised voices, distressed if they feel their in trouble a culture of teasing or taunting which causes distress and humiliation the carer refers to the cared for person in a derogatory way no valuing of basic human rights  cared for person being treated like a child Financial The signs and symptoms that are associated with financial abuse can include: very few or no personal possessions unusual change in spending pattern unexplained shortage of money unexplained disappearance of possessions family regularly asking for money from the persons allowance family unwilling to pay from person’s funds for services they get person not made aware of financial matters enduring power of attorney set up without consulting a doctor where the person is already confused other people taking over person’s property person not being allowed to manage their own financial affairs sudden changes of a will Institutional There are many signs and symptoms of institutional abuse but the key factor to identifying it, is that the abuse is accepted or ignored by the care organisation. Examples of this are: complaints procedures are deliberately made unavailable access to advice and advocacy is restricted or not allowed excessive or inappropriate doses of sedation or medication are given the setting is run for the convenience of the staff privacy and dignity are not respected freedom to go out is limited by the institution refused choices over day-to-day decisions such as mealtimes, bedtimes, what to wear or use the toilet Self-neglect The signs and symptoms of self-neglect can sometimes be hard to recognise as it could be that the person has decided on this lifestyle choice and is happy to live this way. These situations are difficult to make decisions and a balance must be achieved to ensure we don’t remove a person’s ability to choose how they live yet safeguarding and protecting vunerable people. The signs to watch for can include: becoming ill regularly loss of weight being dirty and unwashed wearing soiled clothing an unclean living environment withdrawal from sociaty Neglect by others The signs and symptoms of neglect by others are similar to self-neglect but the person relies on others for their care. For example not given adequate food or given assistance to eat doesn’t get support with personal care and fails to maintain a clean living environment being left alone not supporting communication needs or aiding with mobility failing to maintain medical or health care needs not supporting social contacts 1.3. Describe the factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulenerable to abuse. Every individual is open to abuse and there are many risk factors that can make a person more vulenerable to abuse. However a person may still be abused when no obvious factors are present. Some factors that are known to contribute to the risk of abuse are: poor communication between the person and their carer challenging behaviour by the cared for person young or immature carers carers feeling unable to carry on or strong feelings of frustration person and their carer have a history of a troubled relationship carer having an alcohol or drug dependancy carer believing that the person is being deliberately difficult or ungrateful carer not taking on the roll of carer willingly and had to make big lifestyle changes carer having more than one care responsibilities person being violent towards carer carer having disturbed sleep both person and carer being socially isolated financial or housing pressures delays to provide support no family support or contact 2. Know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse. 2.1.Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused. If you suspect an individual of being abused it is important that you speak to the individual and allow them to be open with you. Listen to the individual and do not judge their word. Try to establish what it is that has occurred without asking any leading questions. Reassure the individual that they are being taken seriously and that you will help them to make it stop. Ensure that the facts are recorded on the appeopriate paperwork and is signed and dated; making sure to report the incident to a senior member of staff. 2.2 Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused. When an individual speaks out about abuse it is important to take the allegations seriously. Reassure them that they can tell you everything and you’ll do everything in your power to help it stop. Make a written account of what has been said making sure to include only the facts and not your own opinions. Sign and date the paperwork and report it to senior members of  staff for them to take the matter further. 2.3 Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved. to record the facts immediately making sure to sign and date the paperwork record any physical signs of abuse using a body map, try to describe the injuries size, shape and colour try not to tamper with any evidence unless you have to for the wellbeing of the individual if you have to touch anything, record what you have done report the evidence to senior members of staff immediately 3. Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse 3.1 Identify national policies and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse. Both nationally and locally the protection of vulnerable adults forms part of the safeguarding adults agenda. Local boards are responsible for delivering a multi-based agency to respond to the safeguarding of adults. They are also responsible for conducting Serious Case Reviews when someone has died as a result of abuse. Nationally there are legislations that provide the basis for dealing with vulnerable adults that are being abused. Such as the Care Standards Act 2000, Safe guarding vulnerable groups act 2006 and the Mental healt act 1983. 3.2 Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse. Many different agencies are responsible for safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse this is to ensure that abuse if easyer to be found, recorded and report to the right authorities. These agencies include: Medical professionals such as GP, hospital staff, nurses, docors etc. They can examine, diagnose & treat abuse, they will record all evidence including photographic evidence. An Expert Witness such as paediatris, geriatrics, psychiatrics etc can report evidence of abuse The local authority would  carry out an assessment of needs, through social workers. This would assess the risks of abuse for the individual The Safeguarding Team, within Social Services investigates & ensures safety and will work with other agencies such as police. A Safeguarding & Protection Officer would lead the Adult Protection Alert. The Police will investigate and prosecute abusive cases, they will work with other agencies, to provide support to victims and raise awareness of abuse. Care Quality Commission regulate & inspect care providers, ensuring that safeguarding policies are being adhered to. Independent care homes, following safeguarding policies, to safeguard & protect vulnerable people before employment commences, including CRB checks 3.3 Identify reports into serious failures to protect individuals from abuse. The biggest example of failures to protect individuals from abuse would be the report by the Care Quality Commission on the services provided at Winterbourne View. Despite a senior nurse alerting the care home’s management and the CQC on several occasions about cases of abuse, his concerns were failed to be followed up. CQC inspectors found that the home had failed to ensure people under the care of Winterbourne View were adequately protected from risk CQC also added that the home failed to meet standards required by law such as: managers did not report majors incidents to the CQC planning and delivery of care did not meet individual needs  they did not have robust systems to assess and monitor the quality of services they have not responded to, or considered complains about the service investigation into the conduct of staff was not robust and didn’t safeguard individuals they didn’t take steps to identify the risks of abuse or to avoid abuse happening they ignored allegations of abuse and did not respond appropriatly they did not have steps in place to protect individuals from abuse used exessive use of restrait staff were inexperienced and untrained to deal with the individuals in their care 3.4 Identify sourses of information and advise about own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse. There are many ways to access information on safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse such as national polices and proceedures, individual care plans, local authorities polices and proceedures, training in areas such as safeguarding and information from management. 4. Understanding ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse. 4.1 Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: working with person centered values encouraging active participation promoting choices and rights Ensuring that the individual maintains the right to make choices for themselves. That they are confident and have a vision of self worth to help individuals feel less vulnerable towards abuse. Understanding that they have a choice to be heard and knowing that they can share anything and that information will be taken seriously will reduce the likelihood of abuse taking place. Active participation builts self esteem, refusing to tolerate abuse and be more likely to report it. 4.2 Explain the importance of an accessable complaints proceedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse. When the complaints proceedure is clear and easily accessable an indivdual is more likely to report an incident of abuse and abusers will be more likely be investigated on their behaviour. Knowing this would make them less likely to abuse. Individuals that are vulnerable to abuse will feel protected and empowered to report any incidences of abuse. 5. Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices 5.1 Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well-being of individuals. In a care setting unsafe practies that affect the well-being of individuals could include: Staff shortages Staff feel pressured to cut corners due to lack of time and for example may not wait to ensure that medication has been taken properly Staff are unsure of the individual’s correct needs and then don’t deliver the right care the individual needs Lack of training for all staff could lead to poor moving and handling of an individual Inexperienced staff in a senior role Lack of correct equipment or equipment is broken or unavailable puts the individual act risk of harm 5.2 Explain the actions to take if unsafe practices have been identified Staying in line with policies and proceedures we have to ensure that the safety of the individual is protected and away from any risks. Report everything to senior management and write down what is suspected and why on appropriate paperwork and try to preserve the evidence of the practices without endangering others. 5.3 Describe the action to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but nothing has been done in response. If nothing has been done in response to reporting to a senior member of staff, the deputy manager or home manager should be informed. If again noting happens the local safeguarding authorities such as council, police or other agencies should be contacted to invested the matter further. The CQC should also be contact about the matter. Keeping all information that has been reported written down with times and dates of the unsafe practices,when they orginally reported and to who you reported it to.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Slavery In the North and South

Contrary to what many people in this country believe, slavery took place in the North and the South. In fact, Massachusetts was the first colony to legalize slavery. By the year 1700, Rhode Island had surpassed Massachusetts as the chief importer of slaves in the north. Major slave ports included Boston, Salem, Providence, and New London. The tariffs that were enforced upon slave imports were used to pay for community projects, such as repairs to roads and bridges. At the beginning of importing and exporting Africans, slavery disguised itself as indentured servitude.But the reality was that indentured servants, of African origin, were often turned into slaves against their will and against the contract they had signed to enter to the New World. Indentured servitude became outdated and old-fashioned due to the fact that the general society was uncomfortable with allowing former servants to purchase land after their contract expired. Another reason for this is due the fact that servant s were much more expensive to replace than slaves. Lastly, making black slaves gave an easily identified mark— one skin color determined who the horse was and who the king was.Slavery existed in New York, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Massachusetts and the other Northern states. Famous Northerners, such as John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, and William Henry Steward (the 24th secretary of state, in President Lincoln’s cabinet) were slave-owners. Although slaver was abolished in New England by 1804 slavery continued in the northern colonies for another 80 years. Northerners profited from slavery in many ways. New England’s manufacturing empire was based on shipping and their shipping money was acquired through the trading of slaves.Without a workforce as large as the slavery had offered, the towns, cities and companies would have taken sustainably longer to develop and prosper in the way that they did. The poor, landless white indentured servant was a problem for the c olonial establishment elevating them above the African slave solved two problems: African slaves were more abundant and easy to come by, and the landless hapless white servant now had a reason to feel superior. The white indentured servant could vent their hostility at the Africans and thus provided the upper class with a buffer.This led to an eventual phasing-out of indentured servitude, and the rise in slavery. An example of how fearful the colonial establishment was of the rising dissatisfaction that the landless felt was the Bacon Rebellion of 1676. Here slaves and Indentured servants got together and tried to overtake the planters of Virginia. The reason why slavery was abolished in the North had more to do with the expense associated with keeping slaves and with the need for the economy to have workers who could fuel the needs of the industrial revolution.The north did not have a large-scale agrarian society so slavery did not come to be relied upon the same way it was relied upon in the south; Slavery also lost its hold in the North because of the Revolutionary War with Britain. As Britain moved throughout the newly created United States of America, it freed the slaves, using them to help Britain wage its war against the new founded country. The puritan influence was also a factor in the freeing of slaves. The idea that freedom should be accessible to all came into conflict with the concept of slavery.However, it is also clear that the Puritan ethic led Northerners to erase their hand in the slave trade. Ultimately, this ability to forget their part in the slave trade led the Northern colonies to believe that the southern slave system was alien and set apart from their own lifestyle. The north was less conducive to farming. However, for the most part, this was the mainstay of families in the northern colonies. Towns were built around these farms and these towns produced areas for other industry.The church, the general store, and the entertainment indust ries of bars and hotel services all grew up alongside the farming community. Because the northern colonies were along the coastline, many industries were built up around living life near the water. To earn a living, people engaged aquatic activities in fishing, whaling, and shipbuilding. Because the land was so unsuitable for large scale farming, the northern colonies developed different than their warm, southern counterparts. Fur trading and timber were large enterprises in the Northern colonies.The harsh conditions also made it necessary that every member of the family be a part of the family’s survival. Children were not educated formally unless they were from the upper class of society. However, every white person was expected to know and be able to read the Bible. Religion was an important center of community life. The church established both secular and religious law, and enforced both. It is no surprise that higher education started in the North, with Harvard opening i n 1636. The northern states were made of people from England and the Netherlands.As a  result, the architecture, clothing, types of food enjoyed, and social activities differed from their southern counterparts. In New England for instance, stones were used to build cellars so that one could have frost free winter storage. The layout of the home was to maximize warmth from the fireplace and slope of the roof was made to compensate and distribute the weight of heavy snowfall. The northern treatment of slaves was also influenced by the British and Dutch cultures, often seemingly less harsh in their treatment of servants and slaves than their French and Spanish competitors in the south.Family life was also culturally influenced with men hunting, fishing, and tanning animal hides to make clothing. Women and children worked inside the home making textiles and preparing food. In the south, everyone had to be on hand to plant and harvest crops and thus the division of labor seemed much di fferent than in the South. The conditions under which the northern and southern colonies developed were vastly different from one another. Culture, geographic location, religious, and philosophical differences produced two distinct economic and social systems.However, it is very clear that slavery was the constant thread through which businesses flourished and many colonists got rich. The slave trade continues to be a shameful mark upon all the achievements that occurred in the Colonial Americas and in the United States. Slavery’s abolishment came as a result of economic necessity rather than moral indignation and any attempt to forget this devalues the horrors that slavery inflicted on the African people who came to the New world.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thoreaus’ Campaign against Blind Obedience to the Government

Led by his disgust against the slavery and the war of the United States against Mexico, Henry David Thoreau (1848) called on men and women to stand up against a government that perpetuates injustices through his essay Resistance to Civil Government, also known as Civil Disobedience. The central tenet of this essay is his pronouncement that â€Å"that government is best, which governs least. † He expounded on the role of the government as being more harmful than helpful to the overall condition of the people in the society.He said that even democracy is not an answer to this, because democracy simply highlights the decision of the majority, which is not necessarily seasoned by wisdom. One of the important expressions of the will of the government is through its laws. Thoreau, however, favors the cultivation of respect towards what is right since the law does not make humans more just. In this essay, he also used the metaphor of the machine in depicting the kind of agency the go vernment is.Moreover, he referred to people who blindly follow the government as robots without conscience. Thoreau also raised his voice against paying taxes and even voting for justice since, according to him, these activities only contribute to the injustices committed by the government. He conceded, however, that he is willing to pay taxes which will directly contribute to the upholding of his neighbor’s good.In a bold statement, he also called for the breaking of the law if the law is unjust. Being put in jail is but another means to assert one man’s freedom since the government cannot really take away from him who he is. Simple living is another value exemplified by Thoreau in his essay. By being simple, he does not have great anxieties. Thoreau’s essay has had far-reaching consequences and influence on subsequent leaders who used civil disobedience. Reference Thoreau, H. D. (1848). On the Duty of Civil Disobedience. Retrieved 19 July 2007 from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Great Gatsby Research Paper

During the Roaring twenties, social class was an important aspect of society. All different classes were for the most part separated by where people lived. In other words, by no means would anyone from a lower class be caught in an uptown setting. There are a variety of characters in the novel that come from different economic backgrounds. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald successfully uses location to differentiate social status amongst his characters while the weather and seasons of those locations help guide them.Each character helps represent and support the differences of social class and the four main locations, The East Egg, the West Egg, the Valley of Ashes, and New York City. In The Great Gatsby geographical locations separate social classes. East Egg represents old wealth. The characters from East Egg are wealthy but empty inside. Their lives are shallow and unfulfilled. Jordan Baker is beautiful on the outside but is only interested in cheating her way th rough life to get what she wants. The Buchanans look perfect on the outside but are dysfunctional on the inside.The characters in East Egg are arrogant. â€Å"Tom Buchanan is wealth brutalized by selfishness and arrogance† (Cowley 71). â€Å"Tom’s restlessness is an arrogant assertiveness seeking to evade in bluster the deep uneasiness of self knowledge† (Dyson 62). Daisy Buchanan is really only interested in herself and will use any means that will ultimately benefit her. West Egg represents new wealth. The characters that live in West Egg have made their money more recently. Nick Carraway is educated at Yale and starts a job in the bond business when he moves to West Egg.Nick is honest and listens to others’ problems. In the novel, Nick Carraway is always trying to help his girlfriend Jordan Baker. Her problems revolve around her cheating and being self centered. The characters can also find new wealth through desperate and dishonest means. Jay Gatsby g ains most of his wealth through inheritance. Gatsby thinks that wealth will buy him the love of Daisy and the life which he dreams of. In addition Gatsby has also made his fortune through criminal activity, as he is willing to do anything to gain the social position he thinks necessary to win Daisy.The Valley of Ashes represents the socially unaccepted. The characters in the Valley of Ashes represent poverty. â€Å"This is the Valley of Dry Bones, the Waste Land, The dusty replica of modern society, where ash-grey men are crumbling, like Eliot’s hollow men† (Bicknell 98). Myrtle and George Wilson both live in a run down garage in the Valley of Ashes. Myrtle Wilson tries desperately to improve her life and get out of the Valley of Ashes. The Valley of Ashes also represents doom and death. Myrtle is found as the victim of a hit and run caused by Daisy and Gatsby.The Valley of Ashes represents the death and dreams for Jay Gatsby, Myrtle Wilson, and George Wilson. These ch aracters die in the novel due to misconception and anger. The characters go through the Valley of Ashes to get to New York City. New York City represents glitz and immorality. While in New York City Tom Buchanan has an affair with Myrtle Wilson. Myrtle Wilson doesn’t care about anyone except those who will direct her on the correct path to improve her life. This is one of the reasons why she has an affair with Tom.Tom Buchanan has no moral doubts about his own extramarital affair with Myrtle but when it comes to other people such as Daisy and Gatsby he becomes outraged and forces a confrontation. During a party in New York City, Myrtle Wilson drinks too much and begins to taunt Tom about Daisy. Tom responds to this by hitting Myrtle and breaking her nose. New York City represents a passion for money and inhibited pleasure. West Egg represents dreams while East Egg represents the devastation of reality. Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway both come from the mid-west.The mid-west repr esents everything that is associated with warmth and home. After leaving the mid-west both Gatsby and Nick move to West Egg which is similar to the mid-west. In contrast, the east represents everything that is shallow and uncaring. Jordan Baker is a prime example of someone who lives a shallow life in East Egg. F. Scott Fitzgerald incorporates color, weather, and seasons into The Great Gatsby. The green light that Gatsby sees every night from Daisy’s dock represents his future with her. Involuntarily I glanced seaward-and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock† (Fitzgerald 21). Every night Gatsby reaches out for the green light in hopes that his longed for dream will finally come true. The green light is in East Egg and even though it is barely visible from his West Egg home he looks for it every night and hopes it will some day be his future. Weather guides the characters actions in The Great Gatsb y. Gatsby and Daisy reunite with each other in the pouring rain.This represents the awkwardness of seeing each other again. They fall in love again in the fair weather when the sun begins to come out. This shows that their relationship is blossoming. Seasons also guide actions in The Great Gatsby. Tom Buchanan confronts Jay Gatsby about his affair with Daisy in the heat of the summer. This is similar to the fatal encounter between Mercuito and Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet. George Wilson kills himself and Gatsby when summer turns to fall. In conclusion, The Wilsons and Jay Gatsby never fulfill their dreams of wealth.The Wilsons meet their doom just as the Valley of Ashes symbolizes when George Wilson kills himself and Myrtle Wilson is a victim in a hit and run. Jay Gatsby’s dream is never fulfilled because money and desperation control him. â€Å"Gatsby’s death is brought about by Daisy, who first lets him shield her and then deserts him; by Tom, who directs the demented Wilson to the place where he is to be found; and by Wilson himself-a representative of the ash-grey men who comes to Gatsby, in his disillusionment, as a terrible embodiment of the realities which have killed his dream† (Dyson 65). For Tom and Daisy retreat back into their money or their vast carelessness† (Burnam 112). Tom Buchanan lets George Wilson believe it was Gatsby who had an affair with Myrtle and it was his car who killed her. Daisy Buchanan doesn’t care that she is the one who actually killed Myrtle, allowing Gatsby to take the blame. The Buchanans continue to live behind a facade, never allowing anyone to see their emptiness inside.They blame their actions on others, never taking the blame. The Wilsons are not missed by anyone since their lives represent those that are socially unaccepted. Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker split up and Jordan gets engaged to another man. Nick decides to move back to the mid-west because he is sick of East Egg and its emp ty values. In each case, location has separated the characters economically, socially, and eventually defined their fate.

Effects of Media Violence

Text: Devor, Kilbourne, Morgan and Advertisement Final draft – Essay4 EFFECTS OF MEDIA VIOLENCE There is a saying that even bad publicity is still good publicity. This concept of â€Å"publicity† may sound absurd but that is what advertisements are portraying these days. When we see the advertisements, the impact is quite shocking and offensive for a normal viewer. However, this method of advertisement is still the best way to capture the consumer’s attention and increase the sale of products.Some people believe the messages sent out through media are the true representation of the real world they live in. Unfortunately, these messages create gender stereotypes, which have characterized both males and females about how to look and act. Otherwise, they will not be accepted in the society. In the essay of Aaron H Devor, â€Å"Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender†, he explores the concept of masculinity and femininity that crea tes our sense of identity, and how these gender codes show a relationship to power, dominance and submission.Jean Kilbourne in â€Å"Two Ways a Woman can Hurt: Advertising and Violence† and Joan Morgan in â€Å"From Fly-Girls to Bitches and Hos† argue that how a woman’s image of submission is abused and exploited through the media, leaving women disempowered and marginalized. The attached advertisement â€Å"Ultimate Attraction† provides evidence about what Kilbourne and Morgan mean by exploitation of women in our society. There is an influence that media holds that is inconspicuous by many people.However, media should not have the power to set the standards for the society since they misuse their authority to create a false image of social power that influence people, culture and how we view man’s and woman’s role in our society. Media plays an important role promoting the gender roles in our society. Advertisements, in particular, sell vis ual representations of an ideal man and woman. In other words, media contributes in constructing the image of a man as dominant whereas the woman is a subordinate member of our society.Devor comments, â€Å"conception of gender roles captures the hierarchal and competitive masculine thrust for power, which can but need not, lead to aggression and feminine quest for harmony and communal well being which can but need not ,result in passivity and dependence. [pg 531]† Our society considers that men are superior to women. They attain the true social power, which provides them a freedom to exercise their dominance over woman. For instance, on first look at the attached ad, it clearly portrays that the man possesses all the power over the woman.The ad displays a strong muscular man taking charge of the woman body and exploiting women emotion for his pleasure. Hence, this advertisement shows the dominance of the man over the women and objectifies the woman and her sexual relationshi p with the man. However, we see a lack of true social power, which is usually associated with authority, influence, and control over the other. According to the BMW ad, â€Å"the ultimate attraction† is a fancy car, and women are an attraction but just not the ultimate attraction.In this case, the true social power is possessed by BMW or a corporate entity that influences and controls the emotion of their consumers and further degrades and demeans the role of a woman in our society. These powerful corporations like BMW and others inject the ideas of negative power to men, which provide them with the ultimate freedom to exploit woman and treat them like animals. Kilbourne points out, â€Å"male violence is subtly encouraged by ads that encourages men to be forceful and dominant and to value sexual intimacy more than emotional intimacy. [pg577] sexuality is then a physical expression of the emotional bond between two individuals. When we relate this emotion to an â€Å"ultima te attraction†, we find that there is a physical bond between two people but the essence of love, care and spiritual connection is missing. If we look at the attached ad, the man, covering the face of a woman by a BMW magazine is a display of emotional violence. He is completely ignoring the feelings and emotions of the woman and using her for his satisfaction.That is the reason men have lost respect for women and treat them like sexual objects to be looked at and played with, naughty but legal. Consequently, women feel the need to go to any extent to attract the love and support they desire and allow the media to degrade their image. In a male dominated society, sex sells best. The media tries to capture the attention of consumers by any means. However, is it necessary to degrade the women at such a level? These advertisements indicate the only power woman can carry is through sexuality.Devor suggests, â€Å"Femininity styles of dress likewise display subordinate status thro ugh greater restrictions of the free movement of the body greater exposure of the bare skin, and an emphasis on sexual characteristics. [pg533]† Generally, women are characterized through their clothing but mainly by their body structure. For instance, consider any beauty pageant: the basic requirement to enter in the contest is the body structure of 34, 26, and 34. The girls have to expose their bodies at every level of the contest to succeed. The last thing that determines a winner is how she uses her brain.The beauty of a woman does not lie in her body- the real beauty lies in her heart and soul. However, media ignores this idea and continues to denigrate women in every possible way. For instance, if we look at the attached ad, the man does not care about the woman at all. He is using the girl as an object to satisfy his cravings for the car. Therefore, â€Å"the person becomes an object and violence is inevitable. This step is already taken with women. The violence, the a buse is partly chilling but logical result of objectification. pg585]† and as a result the images of women displayed in these kind of advertisements are an unjust misrepresentations of gender roles. Subsequently, media becomes the root of misinterpretation of power and further controls people’s thoughts and actions, which then leads the dominant members to impose their false authority on the subordinate members of the society. As a result, men hold a dominant position in our society and due to the media exposure, their behavior towards woman is disrespectful and controlling. They use the innocence of the woman as a road to earn money and prove their dominance over them.Real dominance is what we call control or influence over other people. In our society, this concept is associated with that of leadership. Furthermore, whoever possesses this trait is a qualified dominant member of the society. According to Devor, â€Å"In patriarchally organized societies, masculine val ues become the ideological structure of the society as a whole. Masculinity thus become â€Å"innately† valuable and femininity serves a contrapuntal function to delineate and magnify the hierarchical dominance of masculinity. pg534]† A man who appears muscular, tough, strong, aggressive, and independent reflects the true image of a male dominating figure. Our media takes great care when advertising the male stereotype and confirms stereotypical identities as structured by our society. That is what we can see in the attached ad, where a muscular man is taking charge of a woman body, and admiring his passion for a car. However, the ad is also negative towards men. The man shows his attraction for BMW but also shows his helplessness. Although he is dominant and has power over the woman, yet there is not enough power to fulfill his desire for a high status car.In other words, men in our culture have more fear then woman. They hide their emotions and disappointments and ten d to appear dominant. The things they want or fear lead them to exert his pressure over women and overcome the display of their fear. As Morgan points out about rappers, â€Å"many brothers see themselves as powerless when it comes to facing the evils of the larger society, accepting responsibility for their lives, or the lives of their children. †[pg604] This is one of the bitter truths that our society has to face: men are always afraid of commitment.For instance, in American culture, a man is always running away from the bond of marriage and taking a responsibility of his partner. He maintains his relationship until times get hard or he finds another person who is more attractive. This gives the perfect example of their fear that we can see in the rates of failed marriages. The fear of commitment prevents them to keep a healthy relationship among them. Men do not want to confirm the statement that behind every successful man there is a woman behind him. They have an egoist ic nature and that is why they cannot tolerate a woman taking charge of their responsibilities.They fear that if they show their weakness they might lose their reputation and dignity as the dominant member of the society. Therefore, every member male or female has his or her own responsibilities to the society. Due to the social pressure on every individual, they cannot disregard their obligations and responsibilities towards the society. Every gender has a role that they are supposed to follow and media has a great effect in creating these roles that each gender should possess. Each one has to follow the preset norms of their respective gender in a way.However, if anyone dares to break away from the so call gender norm, then our society would show her or him being single out and made fun of him or her for not accepting responsibilities of their gender attributes. Therefore, to avoid these circumstances and maintain the existing hierarchy, our society promotes through media the ster eotypical male and female roles that are introduced to our younger generation at an early stage of their lives. Devor believes, â€Å"the process of learning to think about gender in an adult fashion is one prerequisite to becoming a full member of society. [pg 529] In comic books, a muscular, strong, and brave man is always at the rescue of a helpless woman in trouble. This media portrays that man who possesses all the characteristics of masculinity and knows how to use against the weak becomes a super power. Yet, one of the super heroes says with great power comes great responsibility. However, when men in our society taste this power, they forget their responsibilities as a human being. If we look at the attached ad, we see a woman hands wrapped around the neck of a man, which displays her innocent love, care, and submission.On the other hand, when looking at the dominance of the man over the woman, he is completely ignoring her emotions and feelings by covering her face. That b ehavior is just shallow and irresponsible for a human being, like the other false images of true social power. In addressing the way hip-hop like advertising works on gender representation in popular culture Morgan mentions, â€Å"We desperately need a space to lovingly address the uncomfortable issues of our failing self-esteem, the ways we sexualize and objectify ourselves, our confusion about sex and love and the unhealthy, unloving, unsisterly ways we treat each other. pg606]† Any women who like to keep a healthy relationship, she expects to receive love and respect that she deserves. However, media projects women image as a prostitute and a man treating her like one, creates a negative impact on our society especially for our young generation. Boys assume that every girl is just like a woman in the advertisements. Therefore, they can use them for their pleasure and exude them to play along with another. Consequently, when a girl analyzes that if this is the only way she can attract attention of a man, she throw herself to men in an undignified and disrespectful way.That is what Morgan wants for every woman and especially the black women (women from her culture) to pull her out from this mindset and make her believe in herself. Morgan thinks that what we need in our society is self-awareness. Every woman should realize her potential and she should not consider herself any degree below the man. If media is trying to portray a beautiful woman as revealing, skinny and flawless, this is just an attempt of creating self-esteem issues and weakening the sense of pride among young females.Girls should realize that these are just the false images and stop believing that to be happy and successful they need to look likes those women in the advertisement. The day when our young females realize this reality, they do not need beauty and perfection to be happy instead they will be able to create space as a potential member and can challenge the preset norms of ou r society. Perfect society is build when every member of that society considered equal. Everyone should be able to take in the account for the consequences of their actions.However, this idea of a perfect society is just a fantasy because we can never have a perfect society. That is only because nobody wants to take the responsibility of their behaviors and think of the impact on others or the environment before taking an action. For instance, media has snatched the power from the people to think responsibly and control the society by creating a hierarchy. We can clearly acknowledge the impact of media images and stereotypical gender images have on people.The media has continuously exploited women image and promoted the message that women are meant to be seen and played and never to be taken seriously. Thus, media in a way has provided men with ultimate power and authority that they use to impose their dominance over women. Media does not take the responsibility of the hierarchy the y have created because they are only interested in their profits. Therefore, we have to wake up and differentiate between reality and fantasy, since only then we can create a perfect responsible society based on equality, respect, and peace.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Advertising questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advertising questions - Essay Example His other roles include finding an understanding of audience’s requirements and organizing meetings with the creative director. The art director works hand in hand with the copywriter (Mahon, 2010). This is because, a copywriter produces the words which accompany visual pictures developed by the art director. Work functions include; collaborating with copywriter to produce the best form of advertisements, providing briefs to other members in the creative team and editing the final piece. The position of an art director requires leadership skills. This is the ability to bring team members together for attaining set objectives. Also, he or she must be open-minded. This involves accepting other people’s ideas to develop quality advertisements. Similarly, art directors should be creative  ; ability to come up with and implement new ideas. Learning advertising improves my understanding of requirements in this sector, helping to create mutual existence in the organization. Moreover, the idea of advertising in my internship enabled learning of various organizational requirements for marketing function to operate as required. Expressing my ideas with the resume was quite a challenge for a variety of reasons. For one, required qualifications for internship did not match the content in the CV. Moreover, the recruitment agency advised that a CV should, in details, express direct contributions to organization’s success. The working process at Newad is efficient. Duties and responsibilities are well defined with no overlapping of duties. I would consider beginning my career in this organization as an art director. I have always had the passion to develop and innovating visual materials used in media advertising. Moreover, art directors in this company appear to love their job, and this is a

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research Proposal Example This research will be based on the Psychological Theories of drug abuse. Within this theoretical framework, reinforcement and individual theories will be explored to establish that pushes students into drugs. The research will follow the exploratory design and will be based on mixed methodology. Data will be collected from students and teachers using both structured and unstructured questionnaires. Interviews will also be scheduled with key informants. The researcher believes that research findings will make invaluable contributions to the existing literature that links substance abuse to poor academic performance. Keywords: substance abuse and academic performance The Correlation between Cigarette Smoking and High School Achievement Substance use among teenagers has finally entered the unchartered territory where it is no longer possible to ignore its impacts. The increasing prevalence of teenagers abusing drugs in the United States has become a major public health issue. Subsequent addiction and loss of productivity among drug users have particularly elicited great interest in substance abuse. The importance of substance abuse in academic discourses stems from the correlation between substance abuse and academic performance. Therefore, substance use and abuse are focal issues that academic commentators must address with urgency. Peer pressure has been cited as the common motivators for teenagers to engage in drugs (Thorlindsson and Vilhjalmsson, 1991). Most teenagers feel pressured to take alcohol/drugs at social gathering in order to conform to social groups. Nevertheless, some teenagers use drugs and other substances as a means of dealing with their distress. In the same vein, other teenagers may use drugs to overcome personal limitations, such as low self-esteem or shyness (Morin et al., 2011). The first casualty of substance use and abuse is cognitive ability. Impaired cognition limits the performance capacity of substance users (Thorlindsson and Vilhjalm sson, 1991). It is against this backdrop that the proposed research purposes to establish how cigarette smoking among high school students affects their overall, academic performance. Significance of the Research Education has long been heralded as a means of social mobility. Accordingly, proponents of academic achievements link education attainment to a successful future. Nevertheless, the job market has become very competitive in the 21st century than ever before. This implies that students who fail to achieve high grades stand no chance of competing favorably in the job market. Within such a context, academic achievement tops the agenda for many discussions within government and academic circles. By studying the correlation between cigarette smoking and high school achievement, the proposed research underscores the role that education plays in personal development. The research will, firstly, establish the link between cigarette smoking and high school achievement. Secondly, the research will identify the prevalence of cigarette smoking among high school students and the factors that contribute to this prevalence. Thirdly, the research aims at establishing the effects of cigarette smoking on high school stude

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail Research Paper

Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail - Research Paper Example Martin Luther King Junior crafted â€Å"Letter from Birmingham City Jail† as a response to eight local white clergymen who were against King’s non-violent protest and demanded an end to the protests for desegregation of stores, restrooms, and lunch counters (Eskew 56). The letter turned out to be the turning point of the Civil Rights Movement in Birmingham, Alabama. King wanted racial equality and wanted to diminish segregation and discrimination and through this letter he tried to illustrate how much he wanted to diminish violence within the blacks and the whites including hatred and bloodshed directed towards the blacks. He began the letter by protesting the segregation that the clergymen were part of and that fueled the ever-longing tension between the blacks and whites (Carmichael and Charles 44). He also added that the clergy did not confront the issue as they were expected to. He further mentioned that he was disappointed with the Church as they had not supported him in his efforts towards racial equality and as such they had not lived up to what God desired of them. He kept reiterating the fact that the last thing he wanted was violence in the pursuit of racial equality and that he just wanted court rulings regarding the issue upheld and laws changed to ensure that racial equality is achieved. (Wilson 22). In the letter, King conveyed his disappointment with how white moderates were devoted to order rather than to justice. He thus hoped that the white moderates should understand that order exists for establishment of justice and that when it fails it blocks the social progress flow (King 30). He points out that the white moderates are exhibiting blindness; while they are acknowledging that there is need for maintaining law and order, they are promoting injustice by failing to recognize that by denying African Americans their civil rights (Ali-Dinar). He further argued that the white moderates have misinterpreted time by asserting that time cures al ills. He expressed his unhappiness with the white moderates who were situating themselves away from actively working for good although time is on their side. He thus urged more activists to engage in pursuing racial equality at that time rather than later. He said that â€Å"Now is the time† thereby urging more advocates for civil rights movement (King 45). The letter was the park of the Civil Rights movement in Birmingham, Alabama. King made it clear that Birmingham was

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Free writing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Free writing journal - Essay Example Everyone has the tendency to doubt and to question things. We are not perfect beings. That’s the reason why we see goodness in men and why it’s easy for us to doubt. Since we are imperfect beings, we know that there is always a tendency to turn to evil. But we expect each one of us not to. Why? Because we have the church to make sure that we are well-guided. But church teachings sometimes are not enough. When our expectations are not met, our frustrations lead us to the other side of the road. This happened to Goodman Brown. He expected the priests and other religious men and women that serve the church to stay true to the church. But when he found them at a cult gathering, he began to question and to doubt them. Since he believed that evil cannot turn the people he believed to be pure and good, his experience in the forest greatly disappointed and frustrated him. The story also emphasizes that we, as humans, can make our own decisions. And because of this, we tend to firmly stand for what we believe in. The problem is when you encounter an event that can shake this belief, that we are in control. Then, we will find a problem for everything. Why? Because humans tend to reason out. And we fail or do something out of our control, we look for reasons and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Lenovo Goes Global Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lenovo Goes Global - Term Paper Example This acquisition was a great opportunity for the Lenovo brand; however, it also posed significant challenges to the company’s management. The key challenge was associated with differences of the American and Chinese cultures. It took almost five years before the company has managed to resolve the worst of the cultural differences (Holstein, 3). This was a process of learning of a way in which the multinational company should operate in order to succeed. In result of this experience, the company has surpassed such global players on the PC’s market as Dell and Hewlett-Packard Company (Holstein, 4). Lenovo’s sales have almost doubled in 2014 compared to 2008, and reached $39 billion. This success was partially attributed to the company’s Mergers & Acquisition strategy. The company has successfully entered many foreign markets by acquiring local players. One of the most recent acquisitions was the handset division of Google and IBM’s low-end server busi ness in China (Holstein, 4). Another success factor was attributed to the company’s capability to develop a global network. Lenovo has developed effective HR strategies based on the global approach, adopted global management principles, and created network oriented enterprise. Also, the company has managed to transform its ineffective and costly supply chain into highly integrated, cost-effective, flexible and competitive supply chain system. In order to achieve this, Lenovo’s management has eliminated excessive elements and policies, have developed effective system of performance measurement, and provided extensive training to its top managers. Lenovo has also adopted â€Å"out of box† thinking culture and against all the stereotypes have reestablished electronics assembly in the United States (Holstein, 6). Despite the fact that the workforce in the US was more costly than in China, Lenovo has

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Interview a local Customer Service provider Essay

Interview a local Customer Service provider - Essay Example ues that are raised by the customers including the difficult one in a manner that will leave the customer satisfied so that he or she does not cancel their contract with the company. 7. What is the best experience you have had providing customer service? The best experience that I have had in providing customer service to the clients of the company is definitely getting referrals from the customers that were served satisfactorily and enjoyed the services and products that are provided by the company. Such situations allow my colleagues and I to take ownership of each customer experience while cooperating to work as a team in order to make the delivery of the promises of the company while remaining friendly and helpful as well as thoughtful. 8. What is the worst experience you have had providing customer service? The worst experience I have had so far in dealing with dealing with the customers involve cases were the customers do not understand the terms of their contracts and end up thinking they are being ripped off or decide to withdraw their contracts altogether. In situations such as these, I try my best to explain the terms to the customer in a manner they can understand and regardless of their decisions after this, I assure them that the company will continue to keep their best interests at heart. 9. Have you been trained to deal with customers? If yes, how long was the training and what type of training did you receive? Yes, I have been trained to deal with customers so that I can provide better services that will make sure the customers are retained in the company. I was trained to be familiar with most of the assistive devices such as wheelchairs and listening devices among others which may be used by the clients with variable capabilities in order to make it easier for them to access the company’s goods and services. 10. If you have not been trained to deal with customers, do you feel that this type of training would help you to provide better