Friday, September 27, 2019

Proceses in Organinzations (Project Managers) Essay - 2

Proceses in Organinzations (Project Managers) - Essay Example There are some key characteristics of the aforesaid situation. The appearance of intermediate link between stakeholders and project developers, is viewed by IT and business unit managers as unnecessary encumbrance for the already overtaxed budget. In the past, IT projects have not been completed within budget or on time. IT and business unit managers don’t realize the project management in its integrity; moreover they have only seen its complexity. Thus they can’t understand the role and the value project manager brings in the organization. Thus becomes clear how far the lack of understanding and support among those who has to follow the project manager’s envision, deteriorates all the business process’ characteristics and defines the unfavorable media, which aspect presents a big challenge for the project manager to cope with. ‘Traditionally, the role of project manager is someone who consciously negotiates with project stakeholders, keeps the peace among team members, and tries to keep calm while all around them is chaos; while budgets and Gant charts are not the main parts of the role.†(S.J.Mantel at al., Project management in practice, p.298, 2001) At first the project manager has to struggle to get every body understand his role and the value he brings in the organization, i.e. to persuade the other team members in his envision. Proceeding from Davenport’s definition for the business process as †a structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how work is done within an organization, in contrast to a product focus’s emphasis on what. A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and space, with a beginning and an end, and clearly defined inputs and o utputs: a structure for action. ...

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