Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Colonial Unity DBQ - 966 Words

Many colonists held a stronger loyalty to their American Colonies than to England by the eve of the Revolution. The battles and trials that they endured gave them an identity and a unity, they had survived through many hardships and any group that does that had some sort of bond. The unique combining of cultures, geography, and the many political ordeals that American colonists had endured provided them with a sense of identity and unity. There was a combining of culture in America that was unique and this mixing that occurred throughout the colonies made it so that the majority could not identify, fully, with the term Englishmen but identified†¦show more content†¦This description of a melting pot is now heard frequently in America to describe its citizens. The cultural assimilation that occurred in the colonies of the New World gave the people a great sense of identity and the unity as all being Americans. Geography was a large part of the disloyalty and disconnection that the colonists felt toward England before the Revolution. England was an entire ocean away, and a government that holds power from thousands of miles away can not be the most effective or efficient. This might have best been said in The Famous Mather Byles: The noted Boston Tory Preacher which is better, to be ruled by a tyrant three thousand miles away, or three thousand tyrants one mile away. The simple fact that England was on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, not a journey that was made easily, made it clear to colonists that they could not reach their potential with a government that could not attend to them quickly and accurately. That is when they took it upon themselves in developing an identity as a separate country that had to be governed by a leader that was at least on the same continent. 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